Ascending Masters Care Supported Living
Empowering Young People
We deliver supported accommodation and residential services
for vulnerable young people, male or female aged between 16-18
Care Services
Supported Accommodation and Residential Services for vulnerable young people
Supported Accommodation and Residential Services
for vulnerable young people
Our mission is to ensure that every young person is safe and free from harm. We aim to make certain that at the time young people leave our services, they are knowledgeable and proficient in how to support themselves and they are emotionally resilient enough to cope with life’s unexpected difficulties.
Our Support
All young people accommodated within Ascending Masters Care Services will be encouraged and supported to achieve positive outcomes and progress. They will each have a robust and comprehensive Pathway Plan that ensures their safety and wellbeing and fulfils their future aspirations.
We will work in conjunction with the Local Authorities, external stakeholders and the young person, to enhance their transition into independence and deliver a proactive and positive experience of leaving care.
We understand your needs.
We will support you with the following:
Registration with GP’s, colleges etc.
Apprenticeship programmes
ESOL classes where applicable
Personal development, goals and aspirations
Our Team is very keen to ensure that the atmosphere of the supported accommodation is as close to being a family home as possible i.e. relaxed, homely, secure and a place young people under our care would to want to return to and a place to be safe.
Housing and Support Services
Young people with emotional, social, and behavioural difficulties as a result of their experiences.
The young people may also have experienced disruption to their education as a result of frequent missing from home episodes, gang involvement and the grooming processes
The young people may also have experienced violence, coercion and intimidation and have experienced abusive relationships.
Family and Placement breakdown: this includes birth and step – families, foster placements and other residential placements.
Young people living offender institutions.
Unaccompanied asylum seekers.
Working in Partnership With Other Agencies
We work in partnership with agencies such as Refugee Council, Home Office and other stakeholders to assist UASC with the process of settling in the UK. Furthermore, we assist young people in accessing emotional support caused by severe trauma due to the life experience that they would have been exposed to and will put them in touch with the relevant help required.

Latest Jobs
Supported Accommodation and Residential Services for vulnerable young people
We are recruiting for Full and Part-time Support workers
Get in touch today!
Ascending Masters Care is currently recruiting Zimbabwean nurses to work in the UK
Ascending Masters Care recruits Zimbabwean nurses to work in UK. We are currently recruiting Zimbabwean nurses. To find out more please contact us, or register online. Ascending Masters Care strives to help reduce staffing shortages for the NHS & Health Care providers in the UK. Ascending Masters Care business model is built on the ethos…
Ascending Masters Care is recruiting nurses from Zimbabwe to UK
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Ascending Masters Care
Ascending Masters Care Recruitment Ascending Masters Care recruits suitably qualified overseas nurses from Zimbabwe to UK. Our organisation strives to help reduce staffing shortages for the NHS & Health Care providers in the UK. Our obligations to the Nurses We have set out the following as our minimum obligations to the staff we recruit: Advice…